I am an extrovert. I need to be around groups of people. If I go too long without being in a group setting I get moody. I recharge my battery by being around people.

My wife is an introvert. She needs to be alone. If she goes too long without being alone she gets moody. She recharges her battery by being alone.

This doesn’t mean I can’t ever be alone or my wife can’t ever be around people, it just describes a bit of what gives us energy versus what takes our energy.

It is a balancing act. It isn’t easy.

I’m not just a little extroverted, I am pretty far on one end of the spectrum. My wife isn’t just a little introverted. She is pretty far on the other end of the spectrum.

We are Yin and Yang in this way, though the harmony part of it all can be lacking.

Sometimes I worry if my level as an extrovert is causing her harm. Sometimes she worries if her level as an introvert is causing me harm. Harm is being used in a more metaphorical sense, though the chemicals in our body are a physical attribute, and they are affected by a great many things.

When an extrovert loves an introvert it is just one area to navigate just like any other dynamic in any other relationship. It isn’t the exact dynamic that matters, but what we can learn from them. There is an opportunity to learn, and grow, and love a person more than you previously did.