My sister-in-law texted my wife asking who is the coolest person she knew. I jokingly told my wife to put my name down because I’m pretty cool, at least in my own opinion. She did not put my name down. She put down a couple of names of people I couldn’t argue with. Sure, cool is subjective, but they were pretty cool people, and cooler than me for sure.

But I want to be a cool person.

What does cool mean to me? It means that I can inspire people. It means that I can help people. It means that I’m pushing forward through whatever may come and uplifting others to push through as well. It means that I have created something that can be positive for the world. It means that someone out there can look at me and say “I want to emulate X part of what they do.”

I may already be cool to some people. I would at least hope my kid thinks I’m cool before he finds groups and cultures I’m too old to understand. I may already be cool to my wife, even though she didn’t say that to her sister. I may be cool to other people in my life but I just don’t know it. I do think I’m a cool person, but I know I haven’t reached many of my life goals, and those goals are pretty cool if you ask me.